Addiction Recovery
The body sends us the right signal, how we go about responding to that signal can become unsupportive and harmful.
We are in pain, we are stressed, we are in discomfort, we are seeking peace, a deeper sense of connection with others and control. We are scared.
Addiction is an attempt to solve the problem of human pain (Maté) and from a nervous system perspective-a way to sooth and access regulation. Drugs and alcohol are overt expressions of addiction. However, when we go inside of ourselves, we see that there is an aspect of ourselves that struggles with the use of external things to address inner discontent (Maté). We are addicted to social media, food, thinking, doing, denial, anything that bridges the gap between disconnection and offers a brief encounter that takes us away from discomfort in our bodies. When we reach for that external thing, the gap becomes wider and we are left feeling farther away from the very thing we are seeking.
We are clinicians, who have specific training in working with addiction.
Addiction is characterized by a compulsive seeking and use despite adverse consequences. There are physical, behavioral and impulse addictions.
When we let go of our addiction, we come to realize a powerful undercurrent beneath us.
Substances/ provide a way to numb the discomfort. Addiction is departing from yourself because when we feel disconnected from ourselves, we don’t recognize ourselves. Although our heart longs for connection, it’s difficult to connect with others and shame moves us farther from the shores of connection and self-acceptance. Thus, perhaps connection really is the opposite of addiction.
The opposite of addiction is connection.
-Johann Hari
Addiction is characterized by a compulsive seeking and use despite adverse consequences. We are attempting to pour into something that will never offer wholeness. In fact, in this attempt to bridge the disconnection, we often drive ourselves farther away from the very thing we seek.
It can lead to addiction because we are seeking connection.
We have clinicians, who are specifically trained in addiction treatment. Reach out today.